Any ideas on where to get a vasectomy without breaking the bank?

Hey everyone, just like the title says. I’m about to turn 26 this weekend and will no longer be covered under my parents’ health insurance. I didn’t get a vasectomy scheduled when I had the chance earlier, and now I’m looking for a low-cost option. So far, everything I’m finding is between $600-750, which is out of my price range. Any suggestions?

You really don’t want to go cheap on any surgery, especially something like a vasectomy.

Cedar said:
You really don’t want to go cheap on any surgery, especially something like a vasectomy.

True, but keep in mind that vasectomies are generally safe procedures that have been performed successfully for decades. They’re routine surgeries now.

I work in the OR at least four times a week. What seems simple to one surgeon can be quite tricky for another.

It’s not foolproof. Even experienced surgeons can make mistakes if they aren’t regularly performing the procedure.

Merritt said:
It’s not foolproof. Even experienced surgeons can make mistakes if they aren’t regularly performing the procedure.

True, I said ‘pretty much’ perfected for a reason.

Fair point. It’s important to find a doctor who does these procedures regularly. You’d be surprised how many horror stories exist. My own doctor advised me to go to someone who performs vasectomies frequently. Even good doctors can slip up if they haven’t done it in a while.

Totally agree! I wouldn’t ask my dermatologist to do it, that’s for sure!

Cedar said:
You really don’t want to go cheap on any surgery, especially something like a vasectomy.

I know a guy who does it behind the 7-11. Five minutes, in and out.

Cedar said:
You really don’t want to go cheap on any surgery, especially something like a vasectomy.

Any recommendations for someone who’s not focused on price but just wants it done right?

Try seeing a urologist or Planned Parenthood, as mentioned earlier.

Dr. Brian Feagins in Dallas is highly recommended. Not sure if he fits within the budget though.

Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

Ocean said:
Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

I got mine done with my urologist, but if you go the Planned Parenthood route, please share your experience! It would be a good read.

Ocean said:
Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

I’ll give them a call on Monday and see what they say. Thanks for the suggestion!

Ocean said:
Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

Definitely seconding the Planned Parenthood recommendation.

Ocean said:
Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

Absolutely! Can’t go wrong with that.

Ocean said:
Check with Planned Parenthood. They offer more than just services for women.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t do vasectomies, at least not in Dallas. They handle STD testing and treatment for men, but that’s about it.

They could still recommend a low-cost provider, though.

Arun said:
They could still recommend a low-cost provider, though.

I used to work there, and unfortunately, they’re not that informed about vasectomies unless an individual staff member happens to know.