Jesse said:
0-3%. It doesn’t look good this year.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard ‘record profits,’ I’d be rich. I can’t wait to see what bonuses the execs give themselves while we all suffer.
Jesse said:
0-3%. It doesn’t look good this year.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard ‘record profits,’ I’d be rich. I can’t wait to see what bonuses the execs give themselves while we all suffer.
Get this… In my department, we were all given new duties last year. You would think the company would appreciate us for learning new skills. Instead, we were penalized for not being perfect right away. Now, nobody in our section is getting a raise. Honestly, at this point, it feels like they would take money from us instead of giving us a merit increase. It’s clear that the leadership here is more focused on squeezing everything out of us rather than rewarding hard work. And the CEO? Todd Combs, I think he’s walking all over us while taking credit for everything.
They know exactly what they’re doing, but they don’t care because it means more bonuses for them.
Lucky for me, I got laid off during the transition. I do remember our training manager though. Every time he’d visit, it was just threats and warnings about what could get us fired, no motivational talks. It was clear early on that the micromanagement was unbearable.