Why does my profile say to update my military status?

I just noticed an alert on my profile telling me to “update military status.” I got out of the Air Force over 40 years ago… what exactly do they think I need to update? And the only way to fix it is by calling them? What kind of nonsense is this?

Yeah, I had that happen too. I called and the rep told me it was just a glitch. Nothing changed on my end, and the alert never went away.

Jesse said:
Yeah, I had that happen too. I called and the rep told me it was just a glitch. Nothing changed on my end, and the alert never went away.

Same thing happened to me. I called yesterday, and the rep said they didn’t even see the alert on their end. But they verified my info anyway, and when I logged back in, the alert was gone.

They had me listed as active duty for years after I got out. Took forever to get fixed. Might just be them cleaning up their records, or maybe it’s connected to that lawsuit about SSRA violations.

Leith said:
They had me listed as active duty for years after I got out. Took forever to get fixed. Might just be them cleaning up their records, or maybe it’s connected to that lawsuit about SSRA violations.

That would make sense, but my current status already shows the right info…

You should probably just call. Sometimes the system randomly asks for confirmation, and it’s a quick fix. Could also just be a glitch, and they’ll tell you to ignore it.

That alert has been on my profile for like two years now. I just ignore it. Doesn’t seem to cause any problems.

Same here. Had it for six months and never bothered to do anything about it.

I called USAA and just updated my rank to what it was when I left. That cleared the alert for me.

Whitney said:
I called USAA and just updated my rank to what it was when I left. That cleared the alert for me.

Congrats, you’re now a 5-star general! :joy:

I love how they still call me ‘Chief Warrant Officer Smith’ even though I haven’t been in for 50 years.

Unclewaffl3s said:
I love how they still call me ‘Chief Warrant Officer Smith’ even though I haven’t been in for 50 years.

SSgt here. We didn’t have CWOs, but I guess that checks out. :saluting_face:

Make sure to report for basic training at Fort Sumter, South Carolina. Bring your old uniforms. If they don’t fit, no worries—we’ll issue you a brand-new set of expandable spandex uniforms!

You can probably just ignore it.

Had the same thing happen. Called them, and they fixed it. Apparently just some random computer glitch.