USAA messed up my coverage… I’ve been driving with no insurance?

I called today to make changes to my policy and decided to check my coverage. I couldn’t believe what I saw.

USAA kept full coverage on my old SUV that was totaled when my son wrecked it, but for some reason, they dropped coverage on my 2015 SUV, which I drive every day! I’ve been unknowingly driving without insurance for months.

Meanwhile, I have another vehicle that’s been in the shop and not even drivable, and they kept it fully insured. My policy is $4200 every six months, and they can’t even get my cars right?

I almost got into an accident today with some crazy Cybertruck driver, and if I had, I would’ve been completely screwed. I used to think USAA was the best, but now I’m questioning everything.

Do you check the USAA app to make sure your policy is correct?

I don’t trust anyone, so I double-check everything. Just taking a few minutes once a month could prevent this kind of mess.

Floyd said:
Do you check the USAA app to make sure your policy is correct?

I don’t trust anyone, so I double-check everything. Just taking a few minutes once a month could prevent this kind of mess.

I don’t have the app. I only call them because they blocked my online access back in 2007 after I had to file for bankruptcy when I got divorced.

Good advice though. I just don’t have the time to check constantly—I work full time, have six kids, and my wife is a handful. I stuck with USAA because I thought they were reliable, but I guess nothing lasts forever.

You’re posting on this forum, so you have time to download the app.

The app is way faster than calling them, just saying.

You never checked your policy statement that comes every six months? That’s on you.

I swear, people don’t realize half the posts here are just trolls.

For most things, you don’t even need to call USAA. You can handle almost everything in the app.

But hey, at least you saved money by not paying for coverage, right?

This looks like human error. Just stop calling and use the app.

Didn’t know there was an app. I wasn’t able to use online access for years because of my bankruptcy, but I guess I can now.

I’ll download it, at least until I decide whether to cancel. Thanks.

Yeah, the USAA app lets you handle everything—update your insurance, add or remove cars, adjust drivers, even do wire transfers.

Didn’t your insurance card give you a clue?

Mal said:
Didn’t your insurance card give you a clue?

I don’t get what you mean. I’ve been with USAA for almost 30 years, and they’ve always been solid… until now.

This post is fake. There’s been a bunch of them lately.

Mack said:
This post is fake. There’s been a bunch of them lately.

Progressive must be hiring creative writers.

Owen said:

Mack said:
This post is fake. There’s been a bunch of them lately.

Progressive must be hiring creative writers.

Appreciate the compliment! But I actually had Progressive for my motorcycle and home insurance before. They were fine for that.

Read your post out loud to yourself. Yikes.

Perry said:

Back in the day, whenever I got cold calls from insurance companies, I’d just say I had USAA, and they’d immediately say, ‘We can’t compete with that, thanks for your time.’

I’m shopping around tomorrow. Only thing I can think of is that we had five cars totaled in the last ten years, four of them from one storm. None were worth much, though.