USAA banking app acting up… anyone else having trouble?

I’m trying to deposit a check like I do almost every week, but for some reason, it’s not going through. The person who wrote the check swears they have enough money in their account, so I don’t get why it’s being rejected. Has anyone else had this happen? It’s a trusted person, so I know the funds should be there.

I deposit checks often too. It’s happened to me once or twice, but it usually clears up after an hour or so.

I’ve run into issues before where the app didn’t recognize the date on the front, the signature on the back, or the FOR MOBILE DEPOSIT ONLY stamp. It’s a nice option to have, but I still see the ATM as a backup.

If you deposit at an ATM, does the money become available right away like it does with mobile deposit?

Drew said:
If you deposit at an ATM, does the money become available right away like it does with mobile deposit?

The ATM says it doesn’t, but I’ve never actually checked.

I had an issue where the deposit limit increase didn’t work, so my check wouldn’t go through. Then, the next day, it suddenly processed, and I was able to deposit it.

It was weird and made me uneasy. Now they’ve locked my account for no reason. I’ve been with USAA for about 10 years, and honestly, the service has gone downhill. I think I’m done with them—I’d rather switch to a local bank.

I haven’t had issues with their banking, but I did recently switch my insurance. I was with them for almost 15 years, then suddenly they dropped me. When I asked why, no one could explain it. They just kept saying my insurance lapsed, so now I owed $5000 upfront plus $300 a month. Yeah, no thanks.

That sounds familiar. I removed a car from my policy, and somehow my rate still went up—a lot. Then, they added my son to all my remaining cars even though he doesn’t live with me or have a car under my policy. That mistake alone increased my rates by $1000 per car. Total mess.

You should probably check with the person who wrote the check.

This is a forum, not their bank.

Sage said:
You should probably check with the person who wrote the check.

This is a forum, not their bank.

I already did.

I’ve been trying to deposit a check for hours, and the app keeps saying the image is too dark. I put it under a lamp, used a flashlight, even stood outside in the sun, and it still says the same thing. They really need to fix this.

I’ve had this happen when the signature goes below the line and interferes with the account number. Sometimes it works after a few tries, but I’ve had to go to an ATM before when nothing else worked.