Question about lemonade pet insurance

Question-I am thinking of getting some pet insurance, but I was wondering if you had to stick with the coverage percentage and deductible you choose, or if you can adjust it the next year? Furthermore, can you obtain insurance prior to seeing a veterinarian, or must you first see a veterinarian before obtaining insurance?


If you have a new dog or cat, you can obtain the coverage before seeing the veterinarian. I recently inquired with Lemonade about changing the deductible and coverage percentage for my policy. This is their response. Yes, there are several ways to update this. You may update it in real time using the website or the app, and both will show you the costs as you edit the policy. Or I can assist with the modifications. Plus for Lemonade: excellent user support is another feature.


That is excellent, thank you.


I am currently having back-and-forth emails with Lemonade in an attempt to modify my three pet plans before they expire on May 8. Strangely, they inform me that more than one update can never be made to a quote at once in their system. That is to say, I can only obtain an estimate for my premiums one at a time, with smaller yearly limits and greater deductibles. It is not really practical. And because all I can do is email representatives back and forth, I am not sure how the other commenter is able to amend their policy in real time on the app or website. To be fair, they answer really quickly and are helpful. But it is been a week of back and forth emails since there is so much to discuss. In short, the answer to your question is yes, but it might not be easy to modify. Additionally, every email I have received has warned me that if I “downgrade” my coverage, I might not be able to increase it later, so my options for changing it may be limited. Additionally, it appears that you can obtain insurance at any time. My pets had lived long lives prior to my obtaining insurance. Lemonade got copies of their medical history and records by contacting their veterinarian. Presumably, you may also receive a policy pre-vet visit.


Okay, I appreciate the insights. Obtaining a policy quickly would ensure that I am prepared for her adoption.


Remain absent. They do terrible coverage.

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The worst pet insurance is Lemonade. Do not ever use lemonade. Horrible company, fuck. Never do they pay for sh*t. Most likely, the enthusiastic posts you are seeing here are the result of their marketing department at work. I recently cancelled my pet insurance with them, and it was a wise move. I am telling everyone I know how terrible of an insurance company they are.