Jackie Chan Insurance Blacklist

Is it true that Jackie Chan is blacklisted by all insurance companies and why so? How does he get medical treatment considering it is expensive without insurance?

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Yes, Jackie Chan is indeed blacklisted by insurance companies. His daring stunts, like water-skiing barefoot behind a speeding hovercraft and swinging from a hot air balloon, have made him a high-risk individual for injuries. Consequently, no insurance company underwrites his film productions.
As for medical treatment, Chan likely pays out of pocket or relies on private arrangements, given his financial resources and fame.


Not just him alone, his whole stunt team are also blacklisted, so he has to pay himself whenever somebody in his movies get hurt. He even said “You hurt in my movie? I’ll take care of you my whole life. That’s my promise.”

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You know, earlier today, I was thinking that there’s probably nothing that could make Jackie Chan more awesome than he already is. Good job proving me wrong!