Is USAA Raising Homeowners Insurance Rates Too?

Has anyone else noticed their USAA homeowners insurance rates going up? My mortgage increased because of an escrow shortage, and I’m wondering if USAA is raising my rates unfairly. I need advice on what to do next. Should I switch insurers to lower my mortgage next year?

I’m in the middle of moving, and my new insurance is about 1.5 times higher than the old one, even though the new house is $130k cheaper. But after shopping around, I found the new rates are similar to other insurers for homeowners, and they’re much cheaper for auto insurance.

I’d say shop around. You don’t have to stay with a US company just because you’ve been with them.

Maybe raise your deductible? That could bring down your rates. Higher deductibles usually mean lower rates, but you have to be willing to pay more out-of-pocket if you need to file a claim. Right now, I wouldn’t file any claims unless they’re over $10k. Claims can increase your rate and make it harder to switch companies. USAA was the cheapest for me out of the 4 insurers I compared late last year, saving me $800 a year over my old Allstate policy.

It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

Hart said:
It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

These kinds of discussions are tough. Prices can vary a lot based on location. What’s your home’s condition? Is it new or older? Do you bundle your auto insurance? Did you have any claims? Your credit score matters too, and if you were in the military or not, that could make a difference.

I agree with you 100%

Hart said:
It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

I’m in Georgia, too, Gwinnett County. My home’s worth about $425k, and my policy is now $2,700 with a $2k deductible.

Hart said:
It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

That’s pretty cheap! My rate went up to $3,300 for a $400k home in North Carolina, nowhere near the coast. It’s crazy, because we don’t even live near water!

Hart said:
It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

I’m in Texas, with a $400k home, and my policy is now $4,800, up from $3,800 last year.

I’m around the same in Texas too. My rate went up $1k each of the last two years. I looked into Progressive, and they said they could lower my rate to $2.8k, but I haven’t switched yet.

Hart said:
It probably depends on where your home is. I’m in Georgia with a house worth $625K, and my homeowners insurance is $2,100 per year with a $2,000 deductible. Is that high?

I live just outside San Diego, with an $800k house, 1750 sq/ft, and it’s not in a fire zone. My renewal rate for 2025 is $1,432 per year. I’ve only had one claim in the past six years and my FICO is over 800. After reading all these comments, I’m not complaining.

Your property taxes could be playing a part in the increase.

Cassian said:
Your property taxes could be playing a part in the increase.

I’m in New Hampshire, so I’m sure property taxes are involved. I’ve also noticed complaints about auto insurance, and I was wondering if homeowners insurance was going the same way. Thanks for your input!

I just switched multiple properties to Travelers and saved over $1,000 a year.

We closed on our house 20 months ago, and the closing attorney said that USAA was about 100% more expensive than other insurers. My rate just went from $2,100 to $2,700. I’m switching companies this month.

I’m in the Southeast. After hurricane Ida, my old homeowner’s insurance went from $5k to $10k a year for a 2k sq/ft house. By bundling with USAA for both home and auto, it dropped to $6k, with way more coverage and similar deductibles. I would have had to sell the house otherwise.

My homeowners insurance is $200 more a year than my last provider, but it covers double the amount.

My premium went up by 150% year-over-year. I’ve checked with about 5 other companies and would only save $500 by switching, but it’s not worth the hassle right now. I’m sticking with USAA for now because of loyalty, but I plan to see how things go with the new CEO before making a decision at the end of the year.

150% increase? That’s hard to believe. So if your mortgage was $1,500 a month, it went up to $3,375?