Is USAA Bank Considering Google Authenticator for TFA?

Recent reports indicate that hackers can somehow spoof or copy SIM card data from iPhones. This is then used to access bank accounts associated with the SIM card (phone). A suggested solution is to use a Third Party Authenticator, such as Google Authenticator.

I use Google Authenticator for a few of my other accounts, including MyPay and some stock broker accounts. It is pretty easy. I presume that USAA employees monitor this subreddit. So I am posting this in the hope that someone there decides to check into it.

You can use Symantec (or whoever bought it) right now. There are also workarounds to make it work with other authentication tools.

Yes they should add more options, but you aren’t stuck with SMS.

Agree. I am using the VIP Symantec app for my multi-factor authentication.