Is it a bad idea to switch providers?

Hi, I have a terrier puppy who is one year old. Since we brought her home, we have been embraced, but the renewal is approaching, and it appears to have increased by $100 already. Since she is so young, I believe it should be okay for us to shop about and switch now if we so choose. However, I am curious if any of you think this is a poor idea.


Hello i am also in a similar situation. The price increase with embrace is not too high for me, but after looking at other coverage options, I am currently split 50/50 because some of those businesses offer better coverage for less money, Other than a hot area that the veterinarian examined in July, my dog has no pre-existing medical conditions. But now since it is happened before coverage, I am afraid that if I go somewhere else and they find the soap notes, it will be a pre-existing condition like allergies, so I might have to stay with embrace.


That is exactly how I am feeling about our puppy’s initial exam. When we brought her home, she had an ear infection, but that was the only problem. I am beginning to believe that it might be best to stick with Embrace as they should not be able to refute anything given that she was well from the beginning and the ear infection was over a year ago, correct. Have you found any more affordable plans :thinking: I received quotations from lemonade and similar companies, and due to their annual cap, they are really the same, if not more, with less benefits. I love that our policy is unlimited in case she ends up with cancer or anything worse. I would be inconsolable.


After much research, I decided on MetLife.

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Naturally, if you switch, any pre-existing conditions will not be covered, therefore I would highly recommend looking into potential savings. When you compare apples to apples, it seems like every company these days is quoting greater charges. It might not take much to justify maintaining your coverage, given the annual rise in veterinary care prices. Of course, it is a very personal choice that is heavily influenced by your finances, among other factors.