Edit: Just trying to figure out if the policy everyone sees online is only 29 pages (partial) or if anyone actually gets access to the full 72 pages. Please check and let me know.
I was on the phone with USAA last week, and they kept quoting parts of my policy that I had never even seen. I asked for page numbers, and what they were reading from was totally different from the 29-page document I can see online. Turns out, the full policy is actually 72 pages. I checked every document going back seven years, and the full version is nowhere to be found on my account.
When I asked about it, they told me, “We mail the full policy and only post updates online.” But I’m completely paperless—I opted out of mail from them entirely.
I checked with friends and family who also have USAA, and none of them have access to the full document either. We all thought the 29-page version was complete, but it references other documents that USAA never actually posts.
So, is this just me, or is this happening to everyone? They denied my claim based on something in the extra 42 pages I’ve never even seen. Just trying to figure out if this is normal or if USAA is deliberately making things hard to find.
Cameron said: @Jai
Not sure what difference that makes for you though… Even if everyone else has the same issue, what’s your next step?
Are you sure they never sent you the full policy in the past?
I’ve been paperless the whole time, so there was nothing to miss. The app even says my full policy is online, so I assumed the 29-page PDF was the full thing.
USAA shouldn’t be hiding exclusions just to bring them up later and deny claims. I want to make sure they’re actually providing full policies like they claim.
Nope, I was never sent anything by mail. I’ve been paperless with them since before I even got this policy.
The app literally says, “If you don’t have them at home, you can access these documents online from your policy summary page.” So I checked my 29-page policy and thought that was the full thing.
I filed a claim for my bike, and they denied it based on some exclusion about motor vehicles—which is NOT in the policy they gave me access to.
I asked their chat, called their reps, and even looked at different parts of their website and app. Everywhere, it says my full policy is online. But it’s not. That’s just not true.
I switched back to getting everything by mail. Now I get the full policy, statements, and everything else in paper form. Having physical copies is way better than relying on what they choose to show online.
Update: About 20 minutes after I posted this here and on Facebook, USAA called me.
They admitted they knew I did NOT have access to the full policy but are still refusing to reverse the denial.
The guy kept saying I “could have requested a copy at any time” and that it was “always available” to me. When I asked for a copy of the call recording, he told me, “All communication with USAA is considered proprietary, and any requests will require a letter of representation or a subpoena.”