How much does insurance go up after a DUI as a second driver?

I was convicted of a DUI last year and now that my suspension is over, I’m planning to talk to my insurance about getting added as a second driver. The car is under my father’s name. Does anyone know how much the rates might go up monthly or annually? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

There’s no way to give an accurate answer to this. Rates vary widely depending on the insurer, your location, and other factors.

Reilly said:
There’s no way to give an accurate answer to this. Rates vary widely depending on the insurer, your location, and other factors.

Agreed, it’s impossible to estimate without more details.

Honestly, the rate could feel as high as $25,000,000! But seriously, it’s best to ask your insurance directly.

We get this question a lot, and the answer is always the same: nobody here can give you a reliable estimate. It depends on too many factors.

Your best option is to contact your father’s insurance provider directly and get a quote. They’ll give you the most accurate information since the car is in his name.