I really don’t like my supervisor. What’s the best way to change my shift? Please don’t tell me to brown-nose!
Just talk to your manager directly about it.
Riley said:
Just talk to your manager directly about it.
People have been doing that for ages, and we still celebrate Christmas every year.
Riley said:
Just talk to your manager directly about it.
People have been doing that for ages, and we still celebrate Christmas every year.
Which department do you work in? We don’t get shift bids often in my department. Normally, your manager would announce a shift bid, usually in the spring or summer. If you’ve got issues with your supervisor and you’ve got proof, like coaching notes or chat messages, show it to your manager and ask for a new supervisor.
Also, if there’s something like taking care of a kid or going back to school that’s messing with your schedule, you could ask your manager for a different shift to work around that.
How are your work stats? Not in a brown-nosing way, but honestly, they’re not likely to change things unless you really need a change for a medical reason or something. If your numbers aren’t great, that’ll be tough.
If my supervisor is terrible, the manager isn’t much better. I really don’t trust the manager at all.