Right now, my auto insurance with USAA is $1900 every 6 months, and my homeowner’s insurance is $1400 a year. I’ve been shopping around for better options, and I’ve found auto insurance quotes that are $600 cheaper every 6 months. But for homeowners, the quotes I’ve seen are around $2000 a year.
Has anyone had experience with using two different insurance companies? I’m trying to figure out if dropping my auto insurance with USAA will make my homeowner’s insurance go up by more than $200 a year. I called USAA, but the person I spoke with couldn’t tell me for sure.
I’m surprised to see $3800 a year for auto insurance. How many vehicles are you covering? I used to pay less than $700 a year for both a Camaro convertible and a Chrysler 300 with Erie. Now, I pay just under $400 a year for a 2023 Bronco Sport.
I agree, $3800 a year isn’t a lot depending on where you live. Some states have much higher rates due to local factors like weather, traffic, and accidents.
I’m paying $7000 a year for full coverage on a CX5, plus no collision or comp coverage on a 2007 Saab convertible. Both my wife and I have clean driving records and good credit, but we live in Florida and now have a new 18-year-old driver. My monthly payment is around $680.
You can definitely use separate carriers, but keep in mind that you may lose any multi-policy discounts. For example, having a bank account with USAA helps lower both auto and home premiums.
Lots of people have insurance with two different companies. USAA’s auto policy is very similar to other companies, but their claims handling can be hit or miss, especially lately. USAA’s homeowner’s policy is pretty solid, though. If you drop your auto insurance with them, you could look into a valuable personal property policy to help keep some sort of discount since you’ll be losing the bundling discount.
I left USAA this week for auto insurance. I used to pay $1200 a year with minimal coverage. Now, I pay $1200 with more coverage. My homeowner’s insurance dropped by $300 for similar coverage.
I just switched to Progressive. Adding a teenage driver made our auto insurance go up a lot. With Progressive, it’s only $50 more than it was for two cars. Some people have said their Progressive rates went up after the first 6 months, but I’ll stay loyal to what’s in my wallet.
When I was shopping for insurance, I found that some companies were cheaper for car, home, valuable property, and umbrella insurance. In the end, I worked with a broker and went with Erie, a regional insurer. You may find that USAA is still the best deal for you after all your shopping. Just make sure to keep checking every so often.