Dropped from Car Insurance After Marriage: Is It Because We’re Gay?

Hello everyone,

My husband and I (both male) recently got married, and I changed my last name to match his. I’ve updated my name on everything from my Social Security card to my library card without any issues. However, we’ve run into a significant problem with our car insurance.

After getting married, we moved in together and I updated my name with our insurance company. We also inquired about insuring a new car. When we found out that one car would be three times more expensive to insure than another, we chose the cheaper option.

To our shock, we were then informed that our coverage had been dropped. The reasons given were my name change, our address change, and our inquiry about insurance rates for the new car.

I can’t help but feel like something is off here. Name changes, moving in together, and making decisions based on insurance costs are all things straight couples have been doing forever. Why does it feel like we’re being treated differently?

What do you all think? Have any of you straight folks been dropped from coverage for making these types of changes? My main worry is whether this will be recorded in some database somewhere that could affect us in the future. Can someone explain this in simple terms?

Thanks in advance for your advice and opinions!

Generally that doesn’t get you dropped, and I’m guessing that’s not what it was here either.

Incomplete info.

Their answer to why we were dropped, verbatim, was; name change, change of address, asking about a car and then insuring a different one.

You being gay/straight has literally nothing to do with insurance. They could care less. However, this is a long shot because I feel like there’s info being left out, but with what you provided I’m thinking you could’ve been flagged for insurance fraud. The company I work for stopped doing business in entire state of NY because of the crazy amount of fraud. We are getting to do business in NY again but we’re having to go through so many hurdles to get anyone to qualify for auto because of the fraud. So that’s what I’m thinking might possible be your issue. Again long shot.

I’m aware that me being gay has nothing to do with insurance. That’s why I thought it was weird when they said they dropped us for changing our name, moving in together, and shopping for a car. Just like the typical things that people do when they get married.

Progressive doesn’t care that you are gay. They would have non-renewed you and sent paperwork stating the reason .

That paperwork does NOT say, ‘name change, or inquiring about a car’. Where did you move to? There is an underwriting reason that is approved by the NY insurance department, it’s not a secret and it’s nothing about being gay. Just read your paperwork for the exact reason.

Let’s take a breather here. Lawsuits are why less and less people go into insurance in the first place because the pay is less and for owners like myself E and O is crazy expensive for suits, frivolous or not.

First question is do you know your partners driving record, who’s company did you go with when you married, did the zip code radically change as that can do it, and is your record sufficiently clean as well. That’s just the factors off the top of my head and I can tell you shopping after marriage has been a hot topic if you don’t know each others driving 100%

Lots of systems are antiquated but I can tell you you shouldn’t get dropped right away for a same sex marraige and very often that can be cured with a phone call if that’s the only issue is the computer having a stroke over that.