Dash cams can save you a ton of money… seriously, get one

If you don’t want your insurance rates going through the roof after an accident, get yourself a dash cam. A $100 camera can save you thousands in legal fees and stop the ‘he said, she said’ nonsense.

It can also help someone else if they get in an accident.

And if you ever get pulled over and the cop is being a jerk, it could be a lifesaver.

Dear USAA,

If you can afford to throw money at Gronk for commercials every five minutes, then don’t tell us you’re trying to save money.

Never been a customer and never will be.

Merrick said:
Dear USAA,

If you can afford to throw money at Gronk for commercials every five minutes, then don’t tell us you’re trying to save money.

Never been a customer and never will be.

Yeah, the Gronk commercials are annoying, but they don’t actually affect premiums. The money for ads comes from what USAA makes on investments.

Premiums are high because they paid out $24 billion in claims last year.

Maybe instead of dumping millions into some football player, they should use it somewhere that actually helps customers?

Alpha said:
Maybe instead of dumping millions into some football player, they should use it somewhere that actually helps customers?

They wouldn’t keep doing it if it wasn’t working. USAA gained members and net worth this year, so the ads must be helping.

Why not pay an actual veteran? Someone like Drew Carey or Adam Driver would make way more sense. But whatever, I don’t buy the whole ‘it doesn’t affect premiums’ argument. At the end of the day, all the money goes into the same pot. USAA lost a ton in 2022 because they gambled with our insurance money. They’re not even a good company anymore. Only reason I’m on this forum is because I keep seeing that guy’s stupid face on TV.

They picked Gronk because they’re trying to bring in younger members. Most younger people wouldn’t know Drew Carey, and while Adam Driver is well known, Gronk is way more recognizable to the audience they’re targeting. Also, the CEO of USAA is a Buccaneers fan, so that probably played a role.

And about 2022—USAA lost money because claims were through the roof, not because of bad investments. Every major insurance company took a hit that year. Look it up.

Some people love USAA, some don’t. That’s how insurance is. If you live in Florida or California and no other company will insure your home, but USAA does, you probably think they’re great.

Fine, keep Gronk. Makes sense for a company that’s supposed to be professional to be represented by an idiot.

Merrick said:
Fine, keep Gronk. Makes sense for a company that’s supposed to be professional to be represented by an idiot.

I gotta ask… what did Gronk do to make you so mad?

Out of everything I said, that’s the only thing you’re stuck on.

They could have spent that money sponsoring Army-Navy games and military events. But instead, they’re spending on celebrities, Pride events, and all this DEI stuff. USAA is still supposed to be for military families, not the general public. The criticism is valid.

Wow, you were so close to keeping politics out of it… but you just couldn’t resist.

USAA isn’t some ‘woke’ company. The military has thousands of LGBTQ+ service members, so why wouldn’t they sponsor Pride events?

You’re acting like the military has never had diversity, which is just laughable.

Maybe one day you’ll stop being bothered by stuff like this. It’s weird to be upset about a company supporting all of its members.

You completely missed my point. USAA is pushing DEI, and they’ve doubled down on it. That’s a fact. They brag about it on their website, in employee emails, and in their hiring. It’s not about being more inclusive—it’s about wasting money on things that don’t benefit their actual members.

USAA is not some hardcore DEI company. Sounds like you just want them to be more conservative.

By the way, USAA partners with Chubb, the company that just paid Trump’s $91 million bond. So they’re clearly not as ‘woke’ as you think.

Dude, you keep dragging politics into this. I don’t care about Trump or Chubb. I know USAA is pushing DEI because I work there. They’re spending millions hiring people who don’t actually do anything. This was never a racist company, but they’re acting like it was and throwing money at useless programs.

LOL, you’re the one who brought up DEI first.

And guess what? I work at USAA too. You’re just flat-out wrong.

If you actually knew how USAA operates, you’d know they’ve always worked with Chubb. So how does that fit into your ‘woke’ theory?

Man, this thread went off the rails fast.

At the end of the day, all that really matters is whether USAA gives you the best coverage for your needs. If they don’t, find another company.

Alpha said:
Maybe instead of dumping millions into some football player, they should use it somewhere that actually helps customers?

You don’t get it. They had to cut customer service just to afford Gronk. He’s getting paid to tell us stuff we already know. Gotta love capitalism.

Merrick said:
Dear USAA,

If you can afford to throw money at Gronk for commercials every five minutes, then don’t tell us you’re trying to save money.

Never been a customer and never will be.

For years, I respected USAA for not using dumb celebrities in their ads. I used to feel bad for customers of companies with those cringy commercials—like The General or those caveman ones.

Then I saw Gronk pop up and thought, ‘Welp, here we go…’