So, my front tooth is worn down, and some of my bottom teeth too because of a bad bite I’ve had since I was a kid. Never got braces. Now I’m wondering if bonding for this kind of thing is covered by insurance? Anyone had experience with this?
It depends on your insurance policy. Most dental plans cover a certain percentage of the cost for services. I think fixing your teeth should be covered, and the reason they’re worn shouldn’t really matter. Check your plan to be sure, though.
You should call the number on your insurance card and ask them directly. They can tell you exactly what’s covered.
Maybe, but don’t get your hopes up. There are so many dental plans out there, and each company offers different policies. You’ll have to dig into the details of your plan to see what’s covered.
I had a plan that covered 80% of ‘necessary’ treatments and 50% for ‘optional’ ones. You might want to check with your provider to see if bonding is considered necessary for your case.
You’ll need to check your own dental insurance plan. There are so many different plans and providers, and they all cover things differently. It’s best to call and ask them directly.