Allstate won't provide a rental car while my car is in the shop waiting for parts

After my car was hit by another person in a parking lot, they were found at fault and I obtained their information and insurance details. The repair shop recommended by their insurance ordered the necessary parts, but due to shipping challenges, they don’t know how long it will take to get them. I’m now without a vehicle indefinitely, and Allstate, my insurance company, won’t provide a rental until the car is being repaired. I need my car for work to pay my bills, so I’m unsure of what legal options or steps I can take. Any advice would be appreciated.

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You should move this issue up the chain to someone at Allstate who will tell the shop to either put your car back together or get the parts ASAP. You can put up your complaint in writing to Allstate and be sure to cc the management.

In addition, if it is a newer car you can use your insurance so that they pressure the shop. On the other hand, if it is an older car they are likely getting used parts which shouldn’t be affected too much by the current supply situation.