Why Does My Insurance Need Info on Everyone in My Household If They Don’t Drive My Car?


I just filed a claim with my auto insurance, and now they’re asking for info on everyone in my household, even though no one else drives my car. This seems pretty sketchy to me, and I’m getting ready to dig into it more. :expressionless:
Has anyone else had this happen? Why would they need details on people who don’t even drive my car? Any thoughts or advice before I take this further?

Advise given is welcome…

:expressionless:Even if someone doesn’t drive your car, insurance providers still need information on everyone in your family for a number of reasons.

An accurate image of everyone who might drive your automobile is required by the insurers. In an emergency, even someone who doesn’t drive frequently might do so.

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A complete home membership list aids insurers in precisely estimating risk and determining the appropriate premium. :smirk: Understanding who is and isn’t driving is part of this.

:sweat: To make sure that everyone who could drive the automobile is insured, several plans require a household’s licensed drivers to be mentioned.

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It’s wise to talk to your insurance agent about any specific worries you may have. They are able to offer advice specific to your circumstances.