What Insurance Adjusters Don’t Want You to Know... anyone else had this?

I just found out that insurance companies have a bunch of things they keep from you after a car accident. Like, they don’t even work for you, and their settlement offers are always super low. Anyone else gone through this? I’ve been dealing with some lowball offers, and it’s so frustrating. :confused:

Yeah, they always lowball. I got into a fender bender last year, and the offer was WAY lower than I expected. They act nice, but it’s all just a tactic.

Vance said:
Yeah, they always lowball. I got into a fender bender last year, and the offer was WAY lower than I expected. They act nice, but it’s all just a tactic.

Totally agree. My adjuster was super friendly, but then the offer came in, and it was a joke. What did you do when you got that offer?

Vance said:
Yeah, they always lowball. I got into a fender bender last year, and the offer was WAY lower than I expected. They act nice, but it’s all just a tactic.

I ended up calling a lawyer. They upped the offer after that. I guess they take you more seriously when a lawyer’s involved. :roll_eyes:

Omg, same! My adjuster made it seem like they were in a rush to settle, but turns out, they just wanted me to take a low offer quick. :rage:

Soren said:
Omg, same! My adjuster made it seem like they were in a rush to settle, but turns out, they just wanted me to take a low offer quick. :rage:

Ugh, they always do that. They make it feel like you’re on a deadline when you’re really not. I think it’s just another trick to get you to settle fast.

Insurance companies have so much money, it’s crazy that they try to give out such low offers. It’s like, come on, you can afford to pay what’s fair.

Val said:
Insurance companies have so much money, it’s crazy that they try to give out such low offers. It’s like, come on, you can afford to pay what’s fair.

Right? It’s wild. They could pay a lot more if they wanted to, but they just don’t want to hurt their profits. :unamused:

They’re trained to make you think they’re your friend. I actually got tricked by how nice my adjuster was. Anyone else feel like that?

Devin said:
They’re trained to make you think they’re your friend. I actually got tricked by how nice my adjuster was. Anyone else feel like that?

Yup, my adjuster was so friendly, I almost forgot they were working for the insurance company and not for me. I was like ‘wow, they’re nice,’ but then I got the offer, and it was SO low.

Honestly, I think they exaggerate how urgent things are just to get you to settle fast. Anyone else think that too?

Shan said:
Honestly, I think they exaggerate how urgent things are just to get you to settle fast. Anyone else think that too?

100%. They rushed me, but I read somewhere that the statute of limitations is years, not weeks, so you don’t really have to rush. Did they make you feel like you were running out of time?

Shan said:
Honestly, I think they exaggerate how urgent things are just to get you to settle fast. Anyone else think that too?

Exactly! They made it sound like I had to act fast, but I’m glad I didn’t fall for it. Thanks for the heads up about the statute of limitations!