Insurance costs seem to have skyrocketed for all vehicles over the past year. For example, in 2023, I was paying about $130/month for my Tesla Model X (2023). For 2024, that amount has basically doubled to $250/month.
Here’s my info:
Tesla Model: X
Tesla Year: 2023
Location: Dallas, TX
Insurance Company: Tesla Insurance
Monthly Premium: $250 average
Driver Age Approximate: 60M
Driver Record: Spotless for past 5+ years
Safety Score: 96-97 (impacted by false forward collision warnings).
Insurance is tough to compare accurately without considering factors like driving history, location, and coverage specifics. Two neighbors could have drastically different premiums. There’s also been a general increase in rates across the board.
My wife and I live in the Philly suburbs, late 20s, spotless record. We pay $85/month with Connect for our 2024 MYP. Rates went down slightly after turning 25.
Blane said:
My wife and I live in the Philly suburbs, late 20s, spotless record. We pay $85/month with Connect for our 2024 MYP. Rates went down slightly after turning 25.
I’m early 20s and paying $230/month for an M3LR. It’s rough being a young driver with an expensive car.
I recently looked into adding a Tesla Model S Plaid to my USAA policy. With full coverage and a $500 deductible, it would cost $381/month. Comparable to other high-end cars I’ve insured.
37M with a spotless record, 2024 MYLR in Texas. I pay $140/month on average with Tesla Insurance, and my rate goes down slightly with a better Safety Score. At 100, it’s around $111/month.
Colorado Springs, 2024 Model Y Performance. Tesla Insurance costs me $140-$160/month with an average Safety Score of 90. Rates are impacted by forward collision warnings.
Insurance costs seem heavily tied to location. In Spain, I pay €890/year for a Tesla Model Y Long Range, which includes roadside assistance and legal protection.
26M in North Carolina with a 2024 Model Y Standard Range RWD. I pay $64/month with Progressive, bundled with home insurance. Full coverage, $500 deductible.