I recently purchased Spot Pet Insurance in advance to be safe for the cat I will be getting next week. Since I truly don’t know anything about anything, how does it operate? Do I have to pay all of the vet bills myself and then turn them in to get paid back? Or do I just pay the vet whatever they ask and they deal with my insurance? If the former, should I do this for all things, including vaccinations?
My understanding is that you typically pay the veterinarian up front before filing a claim to get your money back. The same holds true for items like vaccinations. When I initially received pet insurance, reading through some information really helped to clarify things for me.
Consult your veterinarian. Usually, you cover all costs yourself and then submit the receipts to the location for reimbursement.
Not covered by insurance. You have a waiting time of fourteen days. To establish a baseline, you should obtain your cat if it has never received a physical examination. They will request that upon initial claim. You will not be covered by your preventive visit if you simply signed up for illness and accidents. This covers immunizations, yearly physicals, screening tests, etc. You are paying first in either case.
Examine each and every one of your EOBs to see why claims are denied; they refuse all claims submitted for pre-existing conditions, regardless of the circumstances. They have only ever paid a single $50 wellness check. They label everything else as pre-existing. They won’t deliver the medical records I requested, even though they are the ones they are using to make this determination.
Hello, We have had this place for a little more than a year. Right now, my dog and I are sitting at the emergency room since she cut herself quite badly on a fence. It seems like everything I read says that everything is marked as pre-existing. Are you or anyone else reading this familiar with spot and a real accidental injury.