Rear-Ended in Traffic, Now Insurance is Claiming a "3rd Car" is Involved – What Do We Do?

Good evening…

need some advice. A couple of months ago, my wife’s car got rear-ended in stop-and-go traffic. She was driving, and after the accident, she exchanged info with the other driver. She didn’t file a police report or take pictures (I wasn’t there at the time).
The car’s a 2005 sedan worth about $2,000, and we only have liability coverage—no collision insurance.
Now the other driver’s insurance is saying their driver was pushed into our car by another vehicle, so they’re not taking responsibility. My wife talked to the other driver, and he didn’t mention any third car. No one else stopped, and it just feels like a cover-up.
:roll_eyes:Shouldn’t the insurance still pay for the damage and then go after this “third car” themselves? What should we do next? Should we ask their insurance for details on this supposed third vehicle? Should we consider small claims court? And if we do, will their insurance give us the other driver’s address so we can file?I’m fine with taking the loss and selling the car for scrap, but I don’t want the other driver to get away with lying. Help me pliz…

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This is really important. You have the option to report anything yourself if a police officer did not show up at the spot. :wink:

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Hello pal, :smile:This is really important. You have the option to report anything yourself if a police officer did not show up at the spot.

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Howdy mate listen :unamused: Get contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident.

Pliz guy hear this :wink:Take pictures of the damage to your car and the accident scene.

Comrade :sweat_smile: If you were injured, keep all medical records related to the acctdent

Speak with a personal injury attorney if you’re not happy with the response you received from your insurance company :yum:. They can assist you in navigating the insurance company’s negotiations, knowing your rights, and, if required, filing a lawsuit.