Hi! My dad recently switched to Medicare and has something through Aetna called an extra benefits card that he gets $90 quarterly on. I’m trying to help him figure out what he’s allowed to buy with it. He tried calling Aetna, but they weren’t any help. Does anyone have insight? Thank you so much!
Call Aetna again. This is a simple question. It’s likely just for over-the-counter products like bandaids, vitamins, Tylenol, etc.
Ash said:
Call Aetna again. This is a simple question. It’s likely just for over-the-counter products like bandaids, vitamins, Tylenol, etc.
He called twice and was on the phone for over 30 minutes; they kept referring him back to the website!
I got a catalog in the mail that lists everything I’m allowed to use the card for.
Umbrielle said:
I got a catalog in the mail that lists everything I’m allowed to use the card for.
They sent me a catalog, but it was only for online ordering. Is there an actual catalog that tells you what you can and cannot buy outside of ordering online?
Log him into the NationsBenefits app; it will show what he can buy or pay for.
Call the number on the back of the benefit card or your provider’s card. Customer service should not just refer you to the website. If it’s with NationsBenefits, they should help place orders. I’m an agent with NationsBenefits, and we place orders all the time.
Ash said:
Call Aetna again. This is a simple question. It’s likely just for over-the-counter products like bandaids, vitamins, Tylenol, etc.
They should send you a benefits catalog. My understanding is that you can buy canned, frozen, and fresh meat, veggies, milk, juices, frozen dinners, and eggs—anything healthy. A lot of OTC benefits are also included.
Ash said:
Call Aetna again. This is a simple question. It’s likely just for over-the-counter products like bandaids, vitamins, Tylenol, etc.
I receive that card too. He can use it for healthy foods. I shop at Kroger, where I can buy healthy foods, pet food, or use it for utilities. I hope this is helpful.
You can use it for utilities and gas, but the store must have a pharmacy.
Ash said:
Call Aetna again. This is a simple question. It’s likely just for over-the-counter products like bandaids, vitamins, Tylenol, etc.
The Aetna card allows you to buy gasoline at most places, plus veggies, meat, and other groceries at Walmart. You can also pay your light bill.
He should have received a catalog with the items he can purchase.
Jai said:
He should have received a catalog with the items he can purchase.
With my UHC plan, I used to have to order from an online catalog. Now they give us a card that can be scanned at most drugstores and markets, which pays for the items up to the limit. Not sure if Aetna does the same.
I scan items in my cart to see what’s eligible; almost everything I bought was covered (obviously not my ice cream). Using the app to scan is easy. I tried to buy beef oxtails for bone broth, but it wasn’t eligible. The rep said it might be because it isn’t a ‘normal’ cut of meat.
Magic bone broth?
I found out that if you go to a brick-and-mortar store like CVS, eligible items will have a label on the shelf.
He can buy most groceries at Walmart. It’s also valid at Kroger, Walgreens, and CVS.
You can use it for utility bills, rent, gas, OTC products, catalog items, and healthy food boxes. It’s a great card!
Can the extra benefits Mastercard be used for takeout?
Morgan said:
Can the extra benefits Mastercard be used for takeout?
No, it cannot.