I Was in a Car Accident That Wasn't My Fault, What Should I Do Now?

I was involved in a car accident on Friday night, and the other driver was found to be at fault. I submitted my claim online with GEICO, but they are closed until Monday. My car is a 2012 Nissan Altima coupe. There are damages to the front driver side, a busted headlight (which still works), and the front airbags deployed. I managed to contact the towing company, which is also closed until Monday. Their outside hours office said that since the airbags deployed, the car will likely be considered totaled. I really don’t want to lose it. Is there any way to fight for the other person’s insurance (State Farm) to repair it? If it is totaled, how much can I expect to be compensated for it?

I also have a 1.5-month trip planned in 2 weeks. How long does this typically take to resolve? Any information would be greatly appreciated, as I’m feeling extremely frustrated and like I’m paying a heavy price for something that was in no way my fault.

You’re stuck until at least Monday, no matter what you do. I would go through the other driver’s insurance. Also, this might not be the best place to post.

Aza said:
You’re stuck until at least Monday, no matter what you do. I would go through the other driver’s insurance. Also, this might not be the best place to post.

Do you have a better page you suggest to post on? I’m just trying to gather as much information as I can to make the right moves!

The other page you posted on about insurance. This one is more geared toward GEICO employees.

A car over 10 years old with deployed airbags is almost certainly a total loss. Get your belongings out of it as soon as you can.

If you want to resolve this quickly, let GEICO handle the claim. They will deduct your deductible from the car’s value when they pay you, but they’ll pursue the other insurance for payment recovery (including your deductible).

Remember, liability (fault) is not determined by the police. Each insurance company wants to talk to both drivers and conduct their own investigation. Not every case is entirely one person’s fault. This investigation will take time, which is why it’s best to let GEICO handle your vehicle. You won’t need to wait long, and technically, you’re not out of pocket since the deductible comes off the payout.

Thank you so much for all this information!

And if they accept fault, you’ll get your deductible back.

If you haven’t talked to a representative from either insurance company, how do you know you’re not at fault?

Van said:
If you haven’t talked to a representative from either insurance company, how do you know you’re not at fault?

The police determined the other driver made an illegal left turn while I was driving straight. The other driver received a citation for this.

That’s not how it works, I’m sorry to say.

Van said:
That’s not how it works, I’m sorry to say.

I’m just a college student and have never been through anything like this, so I’m just trying to figure it out!

Van said:
That’s not how it works, I’m sorry to say.

I’m all for calling out clueless customers, but based on what you’ve said, it seems you’re 99% likely not at fault. Cars making left turns have to yield to oncoming traffic. You might be jumping the gun, but it sounds like you’re not at fault.

Best advice: if you have rental car coverage, file through your insurance. You’ll have to pay your deductible, but if it’s truly not your fault and the other insurance accepts liability, GEICO will likely recover your deductible from them if they have enough property damage.

Friday as in yesterday?

Aza said:
Friday as in yesterday?


According to Florida State law, once the airbags deploy, the car is totaled and can only receive a certificate of destruction. This means you either scrap it for parts or crush it, as it cannot be titled and driven on the road again.