How long did it take to file a death claim?

Can someone tell me how long it took to file a death claim for life insurance? I’ve submitted everything, including the death certificates for both of my parents. Now they’re asking for a heir affidavit. It was my dad’s life insurance policy, and my mom was the beneficiary. Both of them have passed. My mom didn’t have kids with my dad, but they adopted me. My dad has two other children, so do I include all of us on the affidavit or just myself?

That sounds pretty standard. They want to make sure you’re the only person eligible for the funds, but since your dad had other kids, they could be entitled to a share too unless there’s a will that says otherwise. Without a valid will, the other kids could also be beneficiaries. Usually, policies have a secondary beneficiary in case the primary passes first, but it seems like that’s not the case here, so they need proof.

Thanks, that’s what I was wondering. Will they try to find my dad’s other kids? I only know their names, not their birthdays or where they live. I’ve only seen them a few times, and they’re much older than me.

Is there a will? Are you the executor? The probate process can be tough. I had to go through it too, but the life insurance part was easier for me since my parents were only married to each other, and my siblings and I were listed as beneficiaries. If there’s a will, you should be able to get your share. But if there’s no will, you might need to contact your state’s probate office. They can help you get the paperwork you need to prove you’re the estate’s representative. It’s not an easy process, but it does end eventually. I also had a lawyer, but he didn’t always get things right. I just want to settle everything and move on. I still haven’t had time to fully grieve. Sorry for your loss, and let me know if you have any other questions. I’ll help however I can.

Thanks for your help. I got the affidavit for heirship, and they’re only asking about my mom, who passed. I’m her only child, so it’s just me listed.

Sorry for your loss as well :pray:

I went through a similar situation when my dad passed. All of his listed beneficiaries had died before him, so I had to provide paperwork showing I was the executor and their death certificates. In the end, the money went to the estate, which wasn’t ideal but still helped.

Thank you for sharing and sorry for your loss. I received the heirship affidavit, and since my mom passed, I’m the only child listed as her beneficiary.

If you have Everest as part of your policy, they pay out within 48 hours.

Benn said:
If you have Everest as part of your policy, they pay out within 48 hours.

I don’t have Everest on my policy.