How do I contact Senior Management or Board Members directly?

Does anyone know an easy way to get direct contact info for senior management or board members? I’m really frustrated by how out of touch the leadership seems with USAA’s original mission and their commitment to serving military members. It would be helpful to get something directly on their desks. Let’s see the Peacock explain his F/Us when he’s after a retirement severance package. A good old letter-writing campaign will probably have more impact than any rumbles on this forum. Now is the time to influence who gets selected as the next CEO so we don’t end up with Peacock 2.0.

Unfortunately, I’m going to be blunt and tell you they don’t care. Unless you can get millions of members on the same page as you (like a big chunk of the membership), a handful of complaints won’t matter to them.


going to be blunt and tell you they don’t care.


What people don’t realize about C-suite and board members is that they surround themselves with yes-men. When an idiot gets in, it’s like cancer to the company. It’s hard to get rid of that. It just keeps going.

The exec team will likely praise all the marketing and lean concepts Peacock introduced, because it aligns with their MBAs. They’re going to look for someone to take Peacock’s work further.

FYI, all the letters to the board members get routed to the Office of the CEO for handling complaints.

OP, Wayne is actually on the board himself.

Nobody cares, genuinely. But you can write a letter addressed to Wayne and send it to the corporate address.