Helped save a neighbor's home from fire… now dealing with smoke inhalation treatment

Through a lucky series of events, my partner and I noticed a kitchen fire at our neighbor’s house. We called the fire department and used a fire extinguisher to keep it from spreading, which saved their home and their dog. The damage was minimal, but unfortunately, my partner ended up with smoke inhalation. They’ve had to go to the ER, follow up with their doctor, get several breathing medications, and are now unable to work for who knows how long.

What should I do about filing a claim with our neighbor’s homeowners insurance? What should I expect from that process?

Your neighbor’s homeowners policy should have something called Liability Medical Payments (MedPay). It can cover medical bills regardless of fault.

Cairo said:
Your neighbor’s homeowners policy should have something called Liability Medical Payments (MedPay). It can cover medical bills regardless of fault.

Just so you know, MedPay limits are usually pretty low. It’s often less than $5,000, and sometimes as little as $1,000. Given the situation, it’s probably the most you can expect unless the insurance company decides to make a goodwill payment for helping minimize the damage, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Yeah, usually it’s around $1,000 or $2,500. Rarely does it go up to $5,000.

MedPay coverage might help, but it will likely have a low limit. It’s mainly for medical bills, not lost wages. Homeowners policies also have liability coverage that could cover more, but that usually requires proof of negligence. Since it sounds like you willingly tried to put out the fire, that could complicate things.

We were at their place to pick up something (with permission), and when we opened the door, we saw the fire. We just acted on instinct and grabbed an extinguisher but didn’t go inside, just sprayed from the door. It wasn’t something we planned out or thought about in terms of insurance.

I’d suggest talking to your neighbor and asking them to contact their insurer to explain the situation. Have them give your contact info to the insurance company so they can reach out to you directly.

If the fire was caused by your neighbor’s negligence, their liability coverage could apply. It would be helpful to get a copy of the fire department’s report to confirm what caused the fire. Keep in mind that making a claim under their liability coverage might turn things adversarial between you and your neighbor.

The fire did start because of negligence. I’m trying to keep this friendly because our kids are friends, but I’m worried it could get complicated.

Asher said:
The fire did start because of negligence. I’m trying to keep this friendly because our kids are friends, but I’m worried it could get complicated.

You did the right thing by stepping in. I went through losing my home due to a disaster, and I can say the trauma from it sticks with you.

Asher said:
The fire did start because of negligence. I’m trying to keep this friendly because our kids are friends, but I’m worried it could get complicated.

Just to clarify, there aren’t really laws in the U.S. that require someone to rescue others, and that goes for property too. It means you chose to help at your own risk.

I’m not quite sure how that applies here. Could you explain?

Asher said:
I’m not quite sure how that applies here. Could you explain?

Basically, it means you chose to take on the risk when you decided to try to put out the fire.

Asher said:
I’m not quite sure how that applies here. Could you explain?

By stepping in to help, you assumed any risks or consequences that came with it.

“I saved my neighbor’s house and now want to get something out of it?”

Remy said:
“I saved my neighbor’s house and now want to get something out of it?”

That’s not what this is about. We’ve already spent $4,000 on medical costs, and my partner has been out of work for a week, with no end in sight. I’m just looking for help to cover these expenses, not to make a profit.

>We already have $4,000 in medical costs

Do you not have health insurance?

Remy said:
“I saved my neighbor’s house and now want to get something out of it?”


Lake said:

Remy said:
“I saved my neighbor’s house and now want to get something out of it?”


The point is, OP chose to get involved when they didn’t have to.
