Ethos life insurance review

I want to buy a term life insurance policy. Should I get one from Ethos, which gives instant approval, or should I use a broker, which takes a few weeks? If I choose Ethos now, will it make it harder to get approved through a broker later?"

Hope that helps!

Depending on your needs and preferences, you may choose between a broker and Ethos for a term life insurance policy and rapid acceptance. Ethos makes things convenient, but a broker could have more choices and more individualized guidance. Selecting Ethos now shouldn’t prevent you from getting approved through a broker later on, but make sure you thoroughly review the policies.

Deciding on term life insurance? Ethos offers quick approval, but with potentially limited options and rates. Brokers take longer but can compare multiple insurers for potentially better deals. Getting approved by Ethos shouldn’t affect a broker’s approval process. Choose speed (Ethos) or explore options and rates (broker).