On May 4th, around 8 PM, I was involved in an accident where the other driver was at fault and took full responsibility. Both of our cars were totaled. Although I experienced shooting pain down my leg, I couldn’t go to the ER immediately because I needed to get home to my breastfed baby. The next day, I went to the hospital for X-rays, which didn’t show much since soft tissue injuries often don’t appear on these scans. I was diagnosed with whiplash and have had persistent shooting pain down my leg, likely due to sciatica from a pinched nerve. Additionally, after seeing the damage to my car, especially on the side where my daughter usually sits, I began experiencing extremely intrusive thoughts. This is the second time I’ve been hit in the past six months, and the first time my baby was in the car.
I filed a claim with my insurance, which covered my car, and I received $30,000 to pay it off. However, I needed to purchase a new vehicle as well.
I was out of work for a week (I’m self-employed), went to the ER and doctor, received a referral for physical therapy (PT), and have had massages and some chiropractic care. Due to my schedule as a stay-at-home mom and my husband’s absence, I haven’t been able to attend PT yet, though my massage therapist has been able to come to my home on weekends.
So far, I’ve incurred $3,000 in medical bills and $2,500 in lost income. I’m also dealing with PTSD from the accident and would like to attend PT, continue with massage therapy, and seek counseling.
We were planning to get pregnant soon, but with my ongoing back pain, I realize that’s not feasible right now, which is really disappointing.
The first settlement offer was $10,000, with an additional $2,000 for medical expenses within the next six months.
I’m considering asking for $20,000 and hoping to settle for at least $15,000.
Does anyone have any advice on this?