Can my wife or family member purchase a life insurance plan that covers my death, without my knowledge?

Place: USA

State: In agreement


Yes, in the Midwest USA. I have a policy through my employment that covers my spouse for hundreds of thousands of dollars. They are unaware of this. No fraud has occurred. I have a financial stake in their continued well-being due to their income, so no, I will not be harming them.


In certain jurisdictions, it is technically feasible for an unfamiliar person to purchase life insurance on your life. This is referred to as stranger-originated life insurance. Historically, this practice was often exploited by entities looking to profit from life settlements.


@MaxSniddesSupport I believe that when someone takes out a life insurance policy on you, you ought to be informed.

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@Julia Is the product rated for a group?

They won’t be killed by you. However, it’s really unsettling that someone can purchase life insurance on behalf of someone without that person’s agreement.

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