Anyone finding good home insurance options?

I’m in Lake Forest, CA, and my home insurance with Farmers is going from around $1500 last year to $5400 next month! My house is a single-story, about 1800 sq ft.

I’m trying to find a new provider, but both Geico and AAA have said no because of the fire risks here. Is anyone else having luck finding a replacement plan?

Try reaching out to an independent broker; they might be able to do the searching for you.

Yeah, it’s tough. Not much you can do, unfortunately.

You might need to look into the California FAIR Plan and add a wrap-around policy for other coverage. It’s not going to be cheap, though. I’m in a similar boat – my vacation cabin near Placerville got hit with a $2900 monthly rate because of fire risk! I canceled thinking I’d find something else, but no luck. Ended up with FAIR Plan and Travelers for wrap-around at around $4500 monthly. And AAA wouldn’t take me back.